Friday, 26 September 2008

18 - 21 September 2008: Salvador

Salvador is a crazy place! I was told before arriving that it evokes a lot of emotions and it really does... One minute you´re happily joining in with/watching capoeira in the street, the next you feel sad and guilty as children beg for money and food, then you get carried away samba dancing, become intruiged by the local characters, in awe of the baroque architectiture... and all the while completed worried and paranoid that you´re going to get pick-pocketed or mugged.

It was Rachel´s birthday whilst we were here so we enjoyed numerous caipirinhas, a huge dinner (portion sizes here are gigantic... we still haven´t quite got to grips with how much to order!), and tried a crazy local drink that is made from cloves and tastes like Christmas! We spent most of time in the historic centre, wandering round cobbled streets, visiting churches (one for each day of the year apparently, although we only managed 3!), going to markets and chatting to locals. The city is split into 2 halves and you have to get a lift from the upper city to the lower city - crazy!!

Unfortunately we didn´t get to the beach whilst we were here as the day we´d set aside for that turned into the wettest day ever and it was all we could do not to drown! Oh well... I´m sure we´ll come across a few more beaches at some point on our travels!

I can now add samba to the list of dances that I have learnt (not quite mastered yet though!) and my portuguese is definately improving. I´m becoming partial to Brazilian coffee - strong and sweet - but am getting a tad bored of their breakfasts... bread rolls, cake and fruit. I´d give anything for a nice bowl of cereal and a cuppa!!

1 comment:

Poorhouse said...

Cake for breakfast! Yum! Immense portions, caipirinhas, sounds like gastronomic delights all round.